Friday, May 29, 2009

I have the secret to God's plan for you... if the Price is Right!

I don't think I like Christian speakers. I've been to a bunch of conferences, retreats, revivals, and meetings and every time I go, I can't help but wonder how much a certain speaker got paid to do this gig. The answer that normally comes up in my mind is "too much." I know how cynical and mean-spirited this thinking is but I can't shake it. I'll do my best to explain (or justify).

I have no problem with motivational speakers. Some folks have a gift for it and if they can make money doing it, then they have the gift of smartness too. I've seen some pretty awesome speakers, and I've have to say that Bill Clinton was probably one of the best. Point being, if you can communicate effectively and have something to say that may better someone else, charge for it. It's sort of like consulting or education and you should charge for your expertise.

But when its a Christian speaker, I think about how wrong it seems. How Christian is it to hold wisdom hostage? If you truly have a message from God, wouldn't you have to give it, whether paid or not? At any Christian conference there is some missional cause they'll take up an offering for. Digging wells in Malawi or feeding children in Ecuador. You know, good things. And at the end of the conference, they'll talk about how much was raised for this cause. $20,000! And everyone claps, but they shouldn't.

They should say, if we hadn't paid for flights, hotels, per diems, ground transport, not to mention booking fees for the 3-5 nationally recognized Christian speakers, we could have doubled that number easily!

Here's the deal, if you really cared about winning the next generation for Christ or equipping pastors or starting a revolution, you wouldn't charge people. You'd just do it.

By the way, this goes for Christian books for the most part too (notice how the speakers' books are for sale?)